Yacht Spar FDV-30 Fast Drying Premium Spar Varnish, FDV-50
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Product Overview:
Yacht Spar FDV-30 Fast Drying Premium Spar Varnish (HSV-50) is a tung oil modified phenolic varnish which is cooked in the "old world" open kettle process to produce the highest quality varnish.
Apply multiple coats per day for fast buildup!
Designed for brightwork where a tough, high gloss finish is required to protect against water and the elements. Features exceptional application, flow, sanding and durability.
May be over-coated with Yacht Spar HSV-50 High Solids Varnish as well as compatible one-part and two-part urethane clear coats.
Apply by brush or spray. For application above the waterline only.
Sold in US 1 quart cans. Made in USA.
Features and Benefits:
- Highest quality varnish available
- Exceptional application, flow, sanding and durability
- Apply multiple coats per day for fast build
- Recoatable within 3 to 4 hours and no sanding required within 36 hours; light scuff sand after 36 hours
Specification Data:
- Type: Fast Drying Tung Oil Modified Phenolic Varnish
- Color: Traditional Amber
- Packaging: 1 quart cans
- Application: Above the waterline only
- Recommended Wet Film Thickness: 2-3 mils (50-75 microns) per coat
- Recommended Dry Film Thickness: 1-1.5 mils (25-37.5 microns) per coat; 7-10 coats recommended for total dry film thickness of 7-10 mils
- Theoretical Coverage - Sq. Feet/Quart; 175 Sq. Feet at 1 mil dry (25 microns) with no reduction
Drying Schedule:
Recoat @ 77°F/50% RH constant: With itself: 3 to 4 hours, 36 hours maximum without sanding or scuffing. Sand with 320 to 400 grit. Ready to handle in 8 to 12 hours. Do not attempt to cure at temperatures below 60°F. Low humidity conditions will be more effective than higher temperatures in speeding recoat times.
Surface Preparation:
NOTE: Due to wide variations in all aspects of surface conditions and preparations, customary application methods and environments, it is strongly advised that test applications be made before large scale application of this product. The wood should be clean, smooth, well-seasoned and above all dry (< 11% moisture).
New or Bare Wood: Teak cleaner or wood bleaches are advised on new wood to remove excess oils, promote color uniformity, and adhesion, making sure that all cleaner and/or neutralizer is removed before proceeding. Rough sawn lumber must be heavily sanded to level the grain, working through the grits to level the grain 60/80 to 100/150 to 220. When the grain is level, smooth sand the surface with 220 to 280 grit paper.
Existing Finishes: Old finishes in good condition should be washed with soap and water followed by a wipe-down with VM&P naphtha before sanding with 220-320 grit paper to thoroughly remove the gloss. Old finishes in poor condition should be removed. Test on a small area to make sure Yacht Spar Fast Dry does not soften the old finish. If old finish is attacked, it must be completely removed.
Reduction Directions:
New or Bare Wood First Coat: First Coat: Reduce the first coat 1:1 by volume with either odorless mineral spirits for brush application or VM&P naphtha for spray application. This reduction will allow Yacht-Spar to fully wet the wood fibers and seal the surface.
Build Coats/Restoration Work Spray: Reduce up to 25% by volume with VM&P naphtha Brush/Roll: Additional reduction usually is not required but if a thinner material is desired reduce as needed with odorless mineral spirits.
Application Directions:
New or Bare Wood First Coat: First coat: Apply a single, light, smooth coat of Yacht-Spar. Allow to dry 8-12 hours. Lightly sand the surface with 320- 400 grit paper to remove wicks and nubs. Remove sanding dust and residue with denatured alcohol and tack off.
Build Coats/Restoration Work: Apply a light, smooth coat of Yacht Spar Fast Dry. Apply 2 coats day. Yacht Spar Fast Dry can be applied as a stand-alone coating by repeating this process until the grain is filled and level; 7 to 10 coats may be needed to produce a filled-grain finish. Keep sanding to a minimum. A light rub with a green scuff pad is often enough to break the glaze of the previous coat, providing sufficient adhesion for subsequent coats.
When the grain is completely filled and covered, lightly sand the surface smooth with 400-500 grit paper. Apply a glass coat of Yacht Spar to restore gloss to the sanded surface. A good system would include a minimum of 7 to 10 coats. Exact number of coats needed will vary by applied wet film thickness and the amount of sanding. Best results are achieved when temperatures are between 60° and 90°F.
Yacht Spar may be over-coated with one-part, two-part or moisture-cured urethane clear coats provided that it has been properly cured and no incompatibility issues exist. It is strongly advised that the proposed system be test applied to a sample of lumber having similar characteristics to the final project, as systems that have been compromised due to insufficient cure or incompatibility must be taken back to bare wood. Additionally, adhesion testing should be performed on the completed system sample after application and cure of the urethane coating.
Typical varnish-to-urethane systems will include application of 2-3 coats of Yacht Spar Fast Dry (first coat thinned and sanded as directed above), the varnish then allowed to cure 72 hours at 75°F minimum. The surface is scuff sanded with 280-320, prepped with de-natured alcohol then tacked-off before application of the first coats of clear. Pay very close attention to brush drag or lifting/wrinkling as these tend to be indications of insufficient cure in the varnish. If either is noticed application should be halted and the varnish allowed to cure and additional 24 hours.
Equipment Cleaning:
Use Odorless Mineral Spirits or VM&P Naphtha.