US Watermaker


USWatermaker and SMS offer you all the features you expect in a high quality reverse osmosis unit at extremely competitive prices. Straightforward installation and simple to maintain, USWatermaker's produce clean, fresh tasting potable water for drinking, making ice, washing and cleaning.

Desirable features such as stainless steel CAT PUMPS®, automatic freshwater flush, remote controller, membranes and salinity meter are always included in the price; competitor brands charge thousands more for similar upgrades. Uses standard membranes for worldwide supplier access if needed; competitor brands hold you hostage to buying their overpriced and proprietary membranes. 

USWatermaker offers solutions for all boat types including the one of a kind Island Explorer Variable Speed 12 Volt Unit for boat owners that desire to control power consumption and water production, the Island Explorer Series modular unit for small boats where space is a premium, the compact design yet high production Clearwater Series, and the Workboat Series for commercial boats that need extremely high production capacity. SMS also offers replacement membranes, filters and parts.

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